Letter to Santa Claus online

Write a letter to Santa Claus

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How to send a letter to Santa online? ?

To write a letter to Santa, simply fill out the form above.

You can write a letter to Santa any time of the year.

May all your wishes come true!

Why is it important to write a letter to Santa Claus? ?

Santa Claus mail box

    Three main reasons
  • This is a very beautiful and wonderful tradition that will allow you to harmoniously sum up the year.
  • The letter will help you understand and formulate your wishes. And if you write a letter together with your family and loved ones, the letter will tell you what will truly make you happy for Christmas and New Year
  • This tradition gives hope and joy, anticipation of the upcoming holidays and starts the festive preparations for Christmas and New Year

Is it safe to write a letter on the site? pluswishes.com?

We care about your safety and store on the server only your name, text of the letter, date of addition and language of loading the site. And we do not collect data in any other way.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus? ?

    What to Write in a Letter to Santa Claus
  • Say hello
  • Tell me what is your name
  • Happy Holidays to Santa and His Helpers
  • Write how your year was
  • Write your very best wishes
  • Say goodbye to Santa

Example of a letter to Santa Claus.

Hello, dear Santa Claus!

My name is Rick.

I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you have a wonderful year, may you and your loved ones be healthy and happy.

My year went well too. I went to school and got good grades. In the summer I went on vacation with my parents and sister to my grandmother. We had a very good time. I also liked the museum where we went with my class.

This year I would like to ask you to bring me a new game, and my sister a doll. And I would also like my family and friends to be happy.

Thank you Grandfather Frost!

I'm waiting for you for Christmas!

See you!

Templates Letters to Santa Claus in English.

We have prepared letter templates to Santa Claus for you. Using these templates you can prepare bright and interesting letters. Below are two options. The first is a partially completed one, where we tried to give ideas for writing a letter. The second is a beautifully designed piece of paper where you can tell Santa Claus anything you want in any order.

Santa Claus address.

Santa Claus claus reads letter

    We share the addresses of Santa Claus in different countries.
  • Finland. Santa Claus, Santa Claus's Main Post Office, 96930 Napapiiri, Finland
  • Finland. Santa Claus, Arctic circle, 96930, Rovaniemi,
  • USA. Santa Claus, North Pole, Alaska, USA 99705
  • Germany. Santa Nicolaus, 49681 Nikolausdorf, Germany
  • Россия. 162340, Россия, Вологодская область, Великий Устюг, дом Деда Мороза
  • Беларусь. 225063, п/о Каменюки, Каменецкий р-н, Брестская обл., Беловежская пуща, Деду Морозу
  • France. Père Noël, Rue des nuages, Pole Nord, 33500 Libourne, France
  • United Kingdom. Santa Claus, Reindeerland, SAN TA1, United Kingdom
  • Greenland. Santa Claus north poles, Julemandes Postkontor, DK-3900 Nuuk
  • Norway. Julenissen i Norge, Nissegata 1, Savalen, 2500 Tynset, Norway
  • Canada. Santa Claus, North poles H0H 0H0, Canada
  • Australia. Santa Claus, Christmastown, North Pole, 9999 Australia

Or send a letter using our form

How long have children been writing letters to Santa Claus?

Children all over the world believe in miracles and fairy tales. Therefore, a good tradition has developed of writing letters to Santa Claus on the eve of Christmas and New Year. Children and adults write to the good wizard about themselves, their achievements, ask for some gifts, and most importantly, they want to be heard and hope for an answer, so that they can then proudly say: “Santa Claus exists, he himself wrote me a letter!”

Such letters have been sent to Santa Claus for over a hundred years.

According to news.un.org, every year in the second half of December, postmen from different countries take millions of letters from mailboxes addressed to Santa Claus, Father Frost or St. Nicholas. According to the Universal Postal Union, in 2006, for example, there were six million, and the number is increasing. He himself, of course, cannot answer all the children, but he has assistants all over the world: from Finland to New Zealand.

For example, the US Postal Service has been responding to children's letters addressed to Santa Claus since 1912.

Finnish postmen receive the most messages to Santa Claus, and children from 150 countries write to him.

In Canada, Santa has received almost one and a half million letters from children. Moreover, everything is answered by his assistants - “elves”, whose role is taken by employees of the Canadian Post. The Letters to Santa program has been running at Canada Post for 30 years. There, 11 thousand employees respond to letters.