About the Santa Claus Parade
The Santa Claus Parade is a traditional event that features many people dressed as Santa Claus. This event is most often held in the run-up to Christmas or during the holiday itself.
The Santa Claus Parade has emerged in various countries as a traditional community and fun event. It has gained popularity due to its festive nature, attracting participants of all ages who want to celebrate Christmas or simply take part in a fun event.
In many countries and regions, holding a Santa Claus parade has become part of the Christmas holidays and a popular tradition.
It looks very impressive and both local residents and tourists, who often come specially for this event, gather to watch this event.
In some cities, the Santa Claus parade has become a real competition for the best image. Often the scale of preparation is impressive - after all, the participants not only prepare original costumes, but also put on a real show with deer, sleighs, and elves.
Why go to the Santa Claus Parade
- Of course, behind the Christmas atmosphere, cheerful mood and interesting spectacle. Usually after the parade you can take many memorable photos with the participants and refresh yourself at the Christmas market. Here are some reasons why it can be fun and funny:
- Inspiring Atmosphere: Santa Claus parades are usually filled with a joyful mood, lots of people in costumes, music and colorful decorations. This creates a festive atmosphere that can lift your spirits and inspire you to celebrate Christmas.
- Fun for the whole family: Santa Claus parades usually invite everyone to participate, including children. This can be a fun and memorable event where you can spend time together and enjoy the festive atmosphere.
- Photos and Memories: Santa Parades provide a great opportunity for photos featuring Santa Claus, elves and other characters. This event can be a source of holiday memories.
- Supporting Charity: Many Santa Claus parades serve a charitable purpose. Participating in them can be a way to help those in need and contribute to charities.
- Christmas markets. A continuation of the Parade or its surroundings are Christmas markets, where you can try many interesting, unusual and memorable dishes.
- Overall, the Santa Claus Parade is a fun and festive event designed to add joy and fun to the Christmas season.
Where do the most famous Santa Claus parades take place?
Nowadays it’s impossible to count how many Santa Claus parades take place around the world every year. There are huge events where thousands of tourists gather, and there are small and atmospheric processions.
We will tell you about the most famous ones.
For example, in the USA, the Santa Con Parade is especially popular, which is held in various cities such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and others. This massive event brings together thousands of participants dressed as Santa Claus and takes place through city streets, often accompanied by music, songs and fun.
The first major Santa Claus parade in the United States took place in 1924 in New York. The parade was organized by Macy's department store employees to attract public attention to the new store in Manhattan. Although this parade was small, it created the tradition of the annual Santa Claus Parade in New York, which is still held today.
Over the years, Santa Claus parades have become popular in various cities across the United States and have become a traditional way to celebrate the approach of Christmas. These parades have become vibrant and colorful events that attract thousands of participants and spectators and serve as an important part of the Christmas holidays in the United States.
Also famous is the Santa Claus Parade in Toronto (Canada), where thousands of city residents take part. This event is one of the largest Christmas parades in the world and is considered one of the oldest Santa Claus parades.
The Toronto Santa Claus Parade has a rich history, dating back to 1905 when it was first held.
The parade began when the employees at Eaton's wanted to do something special for their little customers before Christmas. In 1905, they invited residents to admire Santa Claus from the department store. This parade, which included Santa Claus, attracted many delighted children and became so popular that it attracted the attention of the entire city.
Now the Toronto Santa Claus Parade is held annually in November and attracts a huge number of participants and spectators. It has become a major cultural event that marks the beginning of the Christmas holidays and is also a charity event.
In addition, Santa Claus parades also take place in Europe, for example in London and other big cities. In many countries, such parades have become a popular way to celebrate the approach of Christmas.